Neither the Moon by Night (Psalm 121) | Thomas LaVoy Thomas LaVoy 4:29 6 years ago 2 458 Далее Скачать
Westminster Williamson Voices performs Thomas LaVoy's "Alleluia" Thomas LaVoy 5:46 12 years ago 13 168 Далее Скачать
12.20.24 8:10 AM JWHL CANTON- #2 Stanstead vs Philadelphia - CIH Blue Junior Women's Hockey League 2:06:56 Streamed 2 days ago 384 Далее Скачать
The Westminster Choir Performs Thomas LaVoy's White Stones Westminster Choir College of Rider University 6:45 12 years ago 37 183 Далее Скачать
Westminster Williamson Voices - "Lux aeterna" from "A Child's Requiem" - Thomas LaVoy Thomas LaVoy 5:03 9 years ago 4 770 Далее Скачать
I Am: The Song of Amergin by Thomas LaVoy Ryan Russell Brown - Conductor 3:25 8 months ago 473 Далее Скачать